I began running at 13 years old as a middle of the pack runner. I loved how it helped me clear my head and the endorphin rush afterwards. In my 20’s I started long distance bicycle touring as a means of self sufficient travel and to be honest, to put me on a path of “finding myself”. I loved pushing myself to my physical limits.
As I’ve reached middle age, my relationship with exercise has evolved. I now move to feel good and do the things that bring me joy. It’s a mixed bag of hiking, zumba, resistance or whatever random thing my 10 year old wants me to do!
Why did I become a massage therapist? What it comes down to is that I love to help people feel better and reach their goals so they can live life to the fullest! Not many people can say that they go to work and almost everyone at their job is happy to see them!
My massage practice is both yin and yang. The yin aspect is CranioSacral Therapy. This light touch works with the body to allow restrictions to let go and integrate. It invites the client and practitioner to be still and feel the subtleties of the body that aren’t at first obvious so we can work together to facilitate healing. Clients who are hypersensitive to touch, dealing with complex and finicky pain, desiring a treatment that will down regulate their sympathetic nervous system, would be advised to choose CranioSacral Therapy.
The yang aspect is Restorative Massage which is physical pressure with hands or tools that work the muscle and fascia. The work is often deep. Muscle tension from hours of running, jumping, impact, turning, etc will need some extra oomph to break it up. Athletes that are working through injuries, needing adhesions broken up or have specific focus work in mind will probably be best suited for Restorative Massage.