
I have created this page of resources to serve as a library for clients to use following their treatment. So much work can be enhanced when the client becomes empowered with tools to support their goals between massage or CranioSacral sessions.

On a side note: I only support the videos that I have posted and do not endorse the content of every user’s channel beyond the specific videos I’ve posted here.

Low back and legs:

This video is explains Sciatic Nerve Flossing, a technique for moving the tissue around the sciatic nerve.

I highly recommend these exercises for building functional core strength. These exercises were developed by Stuart McGill “The Back Mechanic” to build a repertoire of pain free movement for back pain recovery. I myself do them regularly.

Use a tennis ball to massage the piriformis muscle, a contributing factor in sciatic pain.

Here is a stretch for your low back and side. We often can feel compressed here and it can feel great to open up this area.

Upper back and neck

This stretch is to open up space between the top of the shoulder and the side of the neck. If your shoulders are up by your ears, start doing this stretch.

Atlas release. This will help tension at the occiput, right where the neck and the base of the skull meet. I can’t promise miracles like the video title says but it is a very good self care technique.

CranioSacral and relaxation

Try 4-7-8 breathing if you are feeling overwhelmed, need to relax, or would like to calm down before sleep.

Instructions on how to use a still point inducer on yourself. Still points create full body relaxation and are an important part of continuing CranioSacral self care.

Bilateral tapping is a tool you can use to quickly calm yourself down.

This is a demonstration on how to make your own still point inducer.